Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance Program (FAP)
The Canadian MPS Society is proud to be able to offer financial assistance to our member families. Canadian resident members are eligible to apply for assistance up to $1,500.00 over a 12 month period and a maximum of $3,000.00 over a period of five years. Members may apply for assistance in cases such as respite, medical expenses, and home modifications to accomodate physical needs of the MPS patient.
Please complete the Financial Assistance Application and Guidelines, and forward to the Canadian MPS Society at to be reviewed by the Family Support Committee.
To be eligible for the Financial Assistance Program, the applicant must be a member, in good standing, of the Canadian MPS Society.

Canadian MPS Society Education and Learning Fund (ELF)
The Canadian MPS Society Education and Learning Fund (ELF) is designed to recognize the diverse abilities and needs of our membership, alongside our commitment to supporting and
celebrating MPS members in their pursuit of growth, learning and living their best lives. ELF supports and empowers individuals affected by MPS or related LSDs in their pursuit of
their educational and developmental goals, whether they are pursuing post-secondary education, acquiring life skills, arts training, obtaining certificates, or advancing their careers.
ELF awards can be used for expenses directly related to education, learning and development, such as tuition fees, course materials, travel, memberships (e.g. arts club, acting group) and other related costs.
Successful applicants can receive a maximum of $750 per calendar year, with a cumulative maximum of $3000 over a period of five years.
Please complete the ELF Guidelines and Application Form, and forward to the Canadian MPS Society at to be reviewed by the ELF Committee.
To be eligible for ELF, applicants must be over 16 years of age, directly affected by MPS or related LSDs, and a member of the Canadian MPS Society residing in Canada.